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Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapy at GBMC

Pediatric Rehab Medicine

6701 N. Charles St
Main Hospital, Suite 4377
Towson , MD 21204

Berman Parking Garage

(443) 849-6210

Monday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 7:00am - 4:00pm
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Evaluating and treating children of all ages who have difficulty reaching their developmental milestones

Pediatric occupational therapy and physical therapy focus on helping children develop the skills they need to grow into functional, independent adults. Physical impairment, injuries and a host of other issues can hamper a child’s ability to perform common tasks or progress normally through the stages of social or cognitive development. The longer a child goes without learning these skills, the more the problem compounds as the child ages—which makes the skills of a pediatric occupational therapist and physical therapist critical to their patients. 

Our services are currently focused on the three and under population. However, we do have the capacity to see some older children.

2 Locations to serve you:

Center for Rehabilitation Medicine 
Main Hospital, Suite 4377 

Milton J Dance, Jr. Center 
Physicians Pavilion West, Suite 401 


Our Team

Megan K. Federle, MOT, OTR/L, NTMTC
Megan K. Federle, MOT, OTR/L, NTMTC 
Occupational Therapist
Margaret Craun, MAOT, OTR/L
Margaret (Meg) Craun, MAOT, OTR/L 
Occupational Therapist
Noreen Schanamann, MPT
Noreen Schanamann, MPT 
Physical Therapist

Our Services

Occupational Therapy

  • Delays due to prematurity
  • Infant torticollis and plagiocephaly
  • Infant brachial plexus injuries
  • Delays in play skills (< three years of age)
  • Delays in activities of daily living (ADL) skills (< three years of age)
  • Delays in fine motor skills (reach grasp and release, dexterity, in-hand manipulation, bilateral hand use, and handwriting)
  • Issues with sensory processing (tactile, proprioception, vestibular, visual) (< three years of age)

Physical Therapy

  • Delays due to prematurity
  • Infant torticollis and plagiocephaly
  • Infant brachial plexus injuries
  • Delays with age expected infant motor milestones
  • Infants with hypertonia or hypotonia
  • Infants with concerns for range of motion or strength
  • Infants with asymmetry of movement noted between sides

Preparing for Your Child's Evaluation

  • Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to check-in and complete any paperwork.
  • It is preferable that siblings not accompany your child to the appointment so that we can obtain your child’s full attention.
  • Please bring any relevant information or documentation with you including: hearing tests, previous therapy evaluations, educational testing, neuropsychological testing, developmental evaluations, and current or previous individualized family service plans (IFSP) or individualized education plans (IEP).
  • Your child may also bring a favorite toy to the evaluation, as long as it will not be distracting from the evaluation.
  • If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment for any reason, please call 443-849-6210 as soon as possible.
  • Your child’s development may be assessed using formal tests, observation, parent interview and play as appropriate for your child.
  • Please allow 1 hour for the evaluation to be completed.


Insurance coverage for occupational and physical therapy varies with each insurance plan and group. It is important to verify

  • if your child is school age and already receiving school based OT or PT,
  • if there are exclusions related to OT or PT by location of services provided
  • if the program at GBMC is hospital based which is an exclusion with some insurances
  • if the treatment diagnosis code(s) provided by the evaluating therapist are covered
  • if a primary care pediatrician or family medicine referral is required

Our insurance specialist will also contact your insurance company to verify coverage and ask about your plan benefits. However, the best information frequently comes from your direct contact with your insurance provider. 

Occupational and physical therapy often are covered services. Your insurance plan may require a referral, a prescription, a co-pay, a deductible, co-insurance. Or may require pre-certification for a certain number of visits each year or for a specific period. Your insurance plan may require that you receive services at a provider other than Greater Baltimore Medical Center. 

Any co-payments are due at the time of your visit. 

Note as well that Financial Assistance can be evaluated by our finance division. There is an application process which can be completed. Please inquire at the time of arranging initial visit(s). 

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