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The Cochlear Implant Center at GBMC

Education Corner

Education Corner

The Cochlear Implant Team at GBMC is committed to the importance of collaboration with educational and audiological services providers. Our goal is to work together to achieve optimal success for each individual and to share our knowledge with one another. In addition, manufacturers are also a great resource for all of us. Please check out, Cochlear Americas Support , and Rehabilitation Downloads for Medel for great ideas and printable materials.

Below you will find resources that may be helpful as you with children who utilize cochlear implants. If you have any questions, please contact our facility at 443-849-8400. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you.

Factors That Influence Patient Progress :

No one is able to predict a individual's performance with a cochlear implant. We do know that progress occurs at different rates and degrees for cochlear implant recipients. Progress is dependent upon many factors:

  • Age of onset of deafness
  • Duration of deafness
  • Age of implantation
  • Number of electrodes inserted and activated
  • Proper use and maintenance of the processor
  • Consistent use of device
  • Previous speech and spoken language development
  • Neurological involvement
  • Cognitive and learning abilities
  • Exposure to meaningful auditory input
  • Interaction with normally hearing peers
  • Academic support services
  • Family support
  • Appropriate expectations of family, friends and services providers
  • Appropriate aural rehabilitation treatment as recommended
  • Consistent follow-up and monitoring by CI team

Time for a new map?

Map adjustments may be made during initial activation, regular follow-up or due to parent, family member, friends, or teacher concerns. So how do we know when a map adjustment is needed?  What information is helpful to the audiologist as he/she is making these adjustments?  Below are some helpful hints.

Contact the implant center if:

  • Individual is requesting more frequent repetitions
  • Decrease in quality of previously mastered speech sounds
  • Decrease in auditory behaviors/responsiveness
  • Change in quality, frequency or volume of vocalizations
  • Behavioral changes such as withdraw or disruption
  • Signs of physical discomfort or facial twitching

What the implant center will want to know:

  • Which map is being used most frequently?
  • How long has the child been using this map?
  • Does background noise interfere with performance in this map?
  • Does the child begin his/her day with a quieter map and gradually use this program?
  • Are there any sounds that are uncomfortable or startling?  How does the child respond to these sounds?
  • What changes have you noticed since the last map change?
  • Has there been any decrease in the child's detection of any speech sounds?
  • Has there been any change in speech production?
  • How many hours per day does the child use the implant?
  • How long is the battery life?  Which battery is being used?
  • Is the dri-aid kit being used daily?
  • Has there been any problem with the function of the headset or processor?
  • Has there been any irritation of the skin underneath the transmitting coil?