Richard E. Hoover Low Vision Rehabilitation Services
A unique program dedicated to helping people with low vision and blindness resume active, satisfying, and more independent lives
The Richard E. Hoover Low Vision Rehabilitation Services staff members work directly with visually impaired individuals to determine which devices and techniques will help them meet their personal goals.
What is Low Vision?
Low Vision is a visual condition that cannot be corrected by conventional eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery. Low vision includes people with reduced visual acuity, narrowed visual fields, and blind spots in their central field of vision. They may need things bolder, brighter, or bigger than normal, or they may require special techniques to reduce their glare sensitivity.
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Eye Center at GBMC
6569 N. Charles St.
Pavilion West, Suite 505
Towson, MD 21204
Phone: (443) 849-2106