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Urology at GBMC


6535 N. Charles St.
Pavilion North, 5th Floor
Towson , MD 21204


(410) 825-5454

(410) 825-5811

Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

Setting new standards for surgical treatments that are less invasive and more beneficial to patients

Powered by state-of-the-art robotic technology, surgeons use the da Vinci® robotic surgical system to translate their hand motions into precise movements of microinstruments inserted within the abdomen. The newly renovated cystoscopy suite offers the most advanced urodynamic and endoscopic equipment available, and sophisticated technology allows for enhanced fluoroscopic imaging.

GBMC's Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology teams work in tandem with our urologists to provide urologic cancer care at the highest level of expertise.

David S. Goldstein, MD

David S. Goldstein, MD, FACS

Chief, Department of Urology

Dr. Goldstein has been involved in several research studies involving pharmacological and medical device testing. His clinical areas of interest are minimally invasive surgery for prostate, kidney, and bladder cancers, including robotic and laparoscopic surgery; the treatment of kidney stones; and female and male incontinence.

Our Services

GBMC's urologic surgeons perform the latest cryosurgical and laparoscopic surgery techniques, including:

  • Laparoscopic kidney & kidney stone removal
  • Microsurgery vasectomy & vasectomy reversal
  • Treatment for erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction
  • Comprehensive surgery for male infertility
  • Prostate surgery with state-of-the-art robotic technology allowing greater accuracy by physicians, less blood loss and scarring for patients, faster recoveries, and fewer complications
  • Advanced radiation therapies targeting cancers with most maximum power and precision, while minimizing damage to surrounding tissue and organs
  • Brachytherapy procedure for prostate cancer, implanting radioactive seeds to target tumors internally
Prostate Cancer Staging: Explained by Dr. Tutrone

Prostate Cancer Staging: Explained by Dr. Tutrone

Prostate cancer is often staged using the TNM system, Dr. Tutrone explains in this video. T stands for tumor size, N for lymph node involvement and M for whether or not the disease is metastatic.

Watch the Video

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ultra-sensitive PSA test? 
New ultra-sensitive PSA test helps predict whether prostate cancer will return. Men who have had their cancerous prostate gland removed want to know if they are cured, but PSA tests have not been sensitive enough to provide a concrete answer. Now the new Ultrasensitive Nanoparticle PSA test detects PSA at levels in the blood that cannot be detected by conventional tests. This allows physicians to act at the earliest and most sensitive time, providing patients with the best chance of long-term survival. 

How is robotic prostate surgery different from traditional methods? 
Robotic surgery uses the da Vinci® Surgical System, an innovative piece of robotic assisted technology. This system allows for the performance of minimally invasive prostatectomies with smaller incisions and enhanced visualization. All this allows for less blood loss and scarring, which speeds up recovery time. 

How long is the hospital stay? 
Most patients are discharged within 24 hours of surgery. 

Will I be able to resume my normal activities? 
Most activities can be resumed within 4-6 weeks or as recommended by the physician.

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