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There are many ways to make a gift to GBMC!

Options range from check or credit card to donating appreciated securities, to including GBMC in your estate plans, directing funds through donor advised funds, corporate giving and employer matching programs, participating in special fundraising events, and honoring or memorializing someone important to you. Find the way that works best for you and, please do all you can.

Gift by check, bank transfer, or credit card

Your gift by check, bank transfer or credit card is tax-deductible. You can make your gift online via our secure website or you can mail in a donation with a donation form to: 

GBMC Philanthropy Department 
6701 North Charles Street 
Towson, Maryland 21204 

Office: (443) 849-2773 
Fax: (443) 849-3739

Become a monthly sustainer

By investing monthly in GBMC, you are providing essential and reliable funding for the hospital which ensures we have the resources to help those less fortunate. 

Being a monthly donor is convenient for you, and lifesaving for our patients. Your gifts are scheduled automatically and can be updated at any time, so you can be assured that you are making a difference at GBMC. It is flexible, easy and secure. 

Donate any monthly amount 

IRA rollover

The IRA Charitable Rollover allows people aged 701/2 and older to make direct transfers up to $100,000 per year to qualified charities, without having to count the transfers as income for federal income tax purposes. Because a Charitable Rollover gift reduces income and is not an itemized deduction, it may benefit investors who do not itemize. Your financial specialist can advise you more fully on your options.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor advised funds are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to make a charitable gift. If you or your family have a donor advised fund, you can make a gift to GBMC from your fund. Contact our office to learn more.

Gifts in honor or memory of someone

Honor someone special or remember a special occasion 
You can make gifts in honor of anyone you choose or for any occasion: your caregiver, your doctor, the birth or adoption of a child, a wedding, anniversary, or birthday – the reasons to recognize someone or something are endless. And GBMC is a great place to do this. We will provide you with a letter for tax purposes and thanking you for your gift, as well as notifying the recipient of your generosity. 

You can make a gift online to honor someone special or memorialize a special occasion, or you can mail your gift to us with this donation form

Memorial Gifts 
Memorial gifts are a wonderful way to honor and remember someone who has passed away. We will provide you with a letter for tax purposes and thanking you for your gift. The family of the person you are remembering will receive a letter informing them that a gift has been made by you in memory of their loved one. 

You can make a gift online in memory of someone special, or you can mail your gift to us with this donation form.

Planned Giving

View our planned giving site for all your needs. If you have any questions about the best way for you to benefit through a planned gift, please call. A member of our Planned Giving Team will be very pleased to help you.

Corporate Giving and Sponsorship

As a GBMC corporate partner, your company will enjoy high-value exposure and unique benefits, customized to maximize your marketing and philanthropic goals. Giving as a corporate partner has many benefits for your company and your community. 

View our corporate giving page for more information.

Employer Matching

An easy way to double or even triple your gift to GBMC is to find out if your company has a matching gift program. These programs typically match all or a percentage of employee contributions. Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program. If so, fill out the matching gift form from your employer and follow their instructions for submitting the match.

Support a special event

GBMC holds several special fundraising events throughout the year. A great way to do something fun and help your community hospital. View our events page for more information.