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SAFE & Domestic Violence Program

Call for help

(443) 849-3323


You are never alone. We are here to help.

At GBMC, we re-empower victims and survivors, while working to end Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, and Child Abuse in our community. We are here to help, 24/7.

Take Quick Action:

Always Free & Confidential

The SAFE & DV Program at GBMC is committed to providing compassionate and confidential medical, forensic, and crisis counseling to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse victims to improve their safety, health and well-being, across the individual's lifespan. Using a patient-centered approach, we attend to victims' medical needs while expertly documenting injuries and collecting evidence of crimes.

With an advocacy-based empowerment approach, we assist victims with their safety and emotional needs; referring them for follow-up support, counseling, shelter and legal assistance. The SAFE & DV Program aids and trains GBMC clinical staff to ensure that our providers can identify signs of abuse and can properly care to victims and survivors.

  • Emotional support
  • Education on the dynamics of domestic violence
  • Safety planning
  • Danger Assessment
  • Referrals for counseling/shelter/legal assistance

Free Services

After a personal crisis, you have options available.

Sexual Assault Forensic Examination

  • Provide prophylactic medications for sexually transmitted infection & pregnancy prevention
  • Document findings for court purposes
  • Respond to the Emergency Department 24/7
  • Assess, document and treat injuries

Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence

  • Assess for injury and damage
  • Treat medically
  • Document injuries and findings for court purposes
  • Connect with an advocate in the hospital 24/7

Education & Prevention

Our program takes our advanced knowledge and skills on the road, offering multiple classes and seminars throughout the community.

  • SAFE Dating and Healthy Relationships
  • Internet Social Media Safety
  • Intimate Partner Violence

Resources & Community Partners

Our strength is in our valuable Community network. Explore the organizations and tools that strengthen our cause.

SAFE & DV Support Group

With early intervention, post-trauma symptoms can be managed. With ongoing support and resources, they can often be eliminated.
