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Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Program at GBMC

Call for help

(443) 849-3323

Offering around-the-clock coverage, 365 days a year

By providing choices of services in a confidential, non-judgmental atmosphere, with specially trained staff at no cost to the patient - we focus on re-empowering our survivors in order to begin the healing process and, in addition, work to end Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence in our community.

Services are provided in a private, secure suite

The SAFE Program at GBMC is coordinated by Registered Nurses, who are specifically trained and certified by the Maryland Board of Nursing to care for victims of rape, sexual assault, child abuse, and intimate partner violence. The SAFE nurses perform detailed medical-forensic examinations and documentation and collect forensic evidence to be submitted to the Baltimore County Police Department Crime Lab. These services are provided in a private, secure suite which is separate from the GBMC Emergency Department, once the patient has been evaluated for other injuries by an Emergency Department Physician.


Free, Confidential Services

Members of the team conduct a complete evaluation of the victim and provide necessary services.


Domestic Violence FAQs

You are not alone. Here you can quickly learn the answers that many have when faced with this situation.


Resources & Community Partners

Learn about our many comprehensive partnerships with the Baltimore County Police Department, sexual assault counseling providers, and more.

There is always a Forensic Nurse available when a patient is in need. Members of the team conduct a complete evaluation of the victim and provide necessary services.

  • Critical Medical Response

    GBMC in Towson is uniquely equipped to respond to domestic violence injuries, especially strangulation. Our medical team and forensic nurses:

    • Assess for injury and damage
    • Treat medically
    • Document injuries and findings for court purposes utilizing the Alternative Light Source and other technology
    • Connect with an advocate in the hospital 24/7
    • Offer language translation services. At GBMC, a Language Line is always available and a Spanish-speaking advocate may be available for immediate assistance or follow-up.
    • Provide follow-up contact and support
  • Domestic Violence Advocacy and Crisis Counseling Interventions

    Call us at 443-849-3323 or the Emergency Department 443-849-2225

    GBMC is one of the few hospitals that has in-house forensic and advocacy services specifically for DV. If patient is critically injured, it is important to go to the nearest hospital. All interventions provide:

    • Emotional support
    • Education on the dynamics of domestic violence
    • Safety planning
    • Danger Assessment
    • Referrals for counseling/shelter/legal assistance


What is a SAFE Exam? 

A Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE), in addition to medical evaluation and treatment offered at GBMC, is a way to document injuries and collect evidence of sexual assault. The SAFE Exam’s findings are placed in a confidential, sealed SAFE Kit, that is often useful in prosecuting perpetrators. Forensic technology can also be helpful in documenting domestic violence injuries, particularly strangulation. 

What does the SAFE Nurse do for patients? 

The SAFE Nurse is a Forensic Nurse Examiner that is specially trained to care for victims of sexual assault, rape, child abuse, domestic violence/intimate partner violence and human trafficking. The SAFE Nurse completes a full health assessment of the patient, records the patient’s account of the incident, documents and photographs any injuries observed, obtains forensic evidence as indicated by examination or details provided, ensures the evidence is handled in accordance with chain of custody requirements, and provides preventative antibiotic therapy and emergency contraception when appropriate. A SAFE Nurse is available 24/7, 365 days a year. 

What does the SAFE Advocate do for patients? 

The SAFE Program at GBMC has on-call Victim Advocates who respond to assist with crisis counseling, emotional grounding, safety planning, danger assessment, as well as providing referrals for counseling/legal/shelter services within the community. The Advocates offer phone follow-up support as well. 

Who does the SAFE Program help? 

While the majority of victims seen by the SAFE Program are adolescent and adult females, we also assist males who have been victimized. The SAFE Nurses are certified to assist pediatric patients age 12 and under as well. Abuse knows no boundaries: victims from every age group, race, sexual orientation and sexual identification who need help are welcome at GBMC. 

How long does a victim have post-assault to receive a SAFE Exam? 

A victim has 120 hours (5 days) to receive a SAFE Exam after the incident. 

How much does a SAFE Exam cost? 

Sexual assault forensic examinations are a free and confidential service offered to these patients. The costs are covered by the State of Maryland. Patients will not receive a bill, nor will their insurance company receive a bill. 

Does a victim have to contact police to receive a SAFE Exam? 

A patient will receive many options when they come to the Emergency Department. It is important that patients feel in control of the decisions he or she can make regarding their healthcare. A patient does NOT have to contact police to have a SAFE Exam. There is a “Jane Doe” or “Anonymous” collection procedure that allows the patient to have a SAFE Exam under a confidential case number, and the evidence will be stored for at least 20 years. The victim can decide to open an investigation of the crime with police at a later date, while having preserved evidence. The SAFE Nurse will be there to answer and questions and support the patient throughout the process. 

Will the SAFE Nurse test anything from the SAFE Kit? 

The SAFE Nurse collects, packages, and seals the evidence appropriately. The evidence is locked in our evidence locker until it is picked up by the Baltimore County Crime Lab. We do not process or analyze anything here at GBMC, nor do we know if or when the SAFE Kit will be processed by the Crime Lab. Therefore, the SAFE Nurse is not able to answer questions about what happened or what the results show. 

Does the SAFE Nurse have any other responsibilities in these cases? 

When the case is brought to court, the Forensic Nurse may be subpoenaed to testify regarding any medical treatment, findings or injuries seen, and evidence collected during the patient’s forensic examination. 

Do the patients receive any other services? 

The SAFE Program at GBMC has on-call Victim Advocates that assist with crisis counseling, emotional grounding, safety planning, and danger assessment, as well as providing referrals for counseling/legal/shelter services within the community. The advocates also offer follow up support through the phone. 

How does the SAFE Program at GBMC partner with the community? 

As a service to victims of domestic violence and sexual violence in Baltimore County, the SAFE Program at GBMC has established a comprehensive program in collaboration with our partners in the Baltimore County Police Department, the Baltimore County State's Attorney's Office, local universities and sexual assault/domestic violence service providers to ensure that victims of sexual violence and domestic violence are treated compassionately, respectfully and confidentially throughout this necessary process. 

Does the SAFE Program provide any community outreach? 

The SAFE Program does a lot of outreach and educational presentations in high schools, colleges, and other community organizations. Presentations can range from information related to sexual assault, domestic violence, teen dating violence, healthy boundaries, and internet safety. If you are interested in having a Forensic Nurse speak at your school or organization, please call us at 443-849-3323. We would love to assist you!


Comprehensive Services

  • Baltimore County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline 
    410-828-6390 (24/7 Hotline)
  • Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault 
  • Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network 
    24/7 Crisis Helpline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
  • TurnAround, Inc. 
    24/7 Crisis Helpline: 443-279-0379 
    Office: 410-377-8111

Legal Services

  • Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI) 
    1-877-496-SALI (7254) 
  • Women’s Law Center 
  • WomensLaw
  • Victim Information Notification Everyday (VINE) 
    Notifies victims if offender is released from custody 


Sexual Exploitation / Human Trafficking
