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Lactation Services / Breastfeeding at GBMC

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Are there any foods that breastfeeding mothers should avoid eating? 

Answer: For the most part there are no food restrictions with breastfeeding. If you or the baby's father have any food allergies or food sensitivities those are good thing to avoid. Many physicians recommend avoiding seafood while pregnant it is not necessary while breastfeeding. However, each baby is an individual so sometimes a certain food might affect your baby differently.

Question: At what point should I start pumping and introduce my baby to bottles to ensure a smooth transition? 

Answer: In general, we suggest waiting approximately 4 weeks to start pumping and/or bottle feeding to ensure that breastfeeding is well established.

Is it okay to mix formula & breastmilk when feeding my baby? 

Answer: We suggest using your breastmilk first and then using formula so that you don’t waste the breastmilk that your body has worked hard to produce. However, it is safe to mix breastmilk with formula.

Which breast pumps do you recommend? 

Answer: Our patients have had good experiences using the Spectra, Motif Luna, or Medela breast pumps. 

Please note that if the baby is born early or is struggling with breastfeeding, we strongly encourage the use of a hospital-grade pump. Do not hesitate to call the Warmline with any other questions.

Question: I think I have inverted nipples. Should I come in for an evaluation? 

Answer: We could definitely meet with you and check your nipples, but inverted nipples are nothing to be concerned about. This shouldn't affect your baby's ability to breast feed. 

Question: Do you have any online resources for nipple care throughout breastfeeding? 

Answer: Here is an terrific guide to achieving a good latch and positioning. A poor latch and/or positioning is usually the cause of sore nipples. The web site for this hand out is The other thing that I would have you check is that the flange from the pump you are using fits correctly. 


When a breast flange fits correctly there is space around the nipple during pumping, which gives greater comfort and milk flow.


The nipple rubs against the sides of the breast flange during pumping, which squeezes the milk ducts and decreases milk flow. This rubbing can also cause skin trauma and pain.

The pain throughout breast can also be the result of poor latch/positioning. Please do not hesitate to call (443-849-3428) and set up a consult.