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Volunteers/Community Outreach - Spiritual Support Services at GBMC

Volunteers-Community Outreach

6701 N. Charles St.
Main Hospital
Towson , MD 21204

Berman Parking Garage

(443) 849-2054

Monday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 4:30am
Wednesday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm

Volunteers/Community Outreach

In keeping with our commitment to the community, various volunteer and outreach opportunities are available through Spiritual Support Services. 

On-Call Chaplains 
Spiritual Support Services has one full-time chaplain, Rev. Sandy Rector, and a team of on-call chaplains in case of overnight or weekend emergency. Spiritual Support Services is always in search of chaplains to be available on an as-needed basis. If you are interested in on-call chaplaincy, contact Chaplain Sandy Rector, Manager of Spiritual Support Services, at 443-849-2054. 

Community Outreach 
GBMC participates in multiple community outreach projects, including the Adopt-a-Family Program, which helps support families in need during the holiday season.  

Towson Area Ministerial Association 
GBMC's Spiritual Support Services has fostered a relationship with the Towson Area Ministerial Association (TAMA), an organization that represents 67 local congregations. TAMA was formed approximately 60 years ago to serve as an advocate for the members of the Towson community. 

Volunteer Opportunities 
Multiple volunteer opportunities exist through Spiritual Support Services, including:

  • Music program volunteers
  • Office volunteers
  • Spiritual Support visitors
  • Roman Catholic Eucharistic Ministers
  • Protestant Communion Ministers

If you wish to become a volunteer for Spiritual Support Services, contact GBMC's Volunteer office at 443-849-2050. GBMC's Spiritual Support Volunteers are provided with opportunities for continuing education, fellowship, and retreat throughout the year. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry 
GBMC's Spiritual Support Services offers a prayer shawl ministry for patients in the intensive care unit. Prayer shawls provide gesture of comfort to let patients and their families know that they are being prayed for and are not alone. Those interested in making and donating prayer shawls for patients may contact Spiritual Support Services at 443-849-2054. A volunteer coordinator is available to help organizations and individual craftspeople develop a relationship with GBMC. 

Read an article about the Prayer Shawl Ministry that appeared in GBMC's Volunteer newsletter, Volunteer Focus.