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Pulmonary Function Lab at GBMC

Pulmonary Function Lab

6565 N. Charles St.
Pavilion East, Suite 411
Towson , MD 21204


(443) 849-3901

(443) 849-3902

Monday 7:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 7:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 7:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 7:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 7:00am - 4:00pm

Pulmonary function tests are used:

  • To help diagnose and evaluate lung disease
  • To determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of new and current treatments
  • To measure how severely the lung is damaged

In addition, pulmonary function tests are important to assess the health of a person's lungs before chest surgery. 

There are two general types of pulmonary function tests:

  • Ventilation tests
  • Arterial blood gas studies

Before having a ventilation type of pulmonary function test, it is best to avoid the following activities:

  • Eating a heavy meal or solid food for four to six hours
  • Smoking for four hours
  • Exercising for four hours

In addition, unless advised to do so by your doctor, you should not take any medication for four hours before the test.

Services Offered: 

All services must be scheduled in advance, 24 hr notice is requested for outpatients.

  • Pre-op evaluation
  • Spirometry pre/post bronchodilator
  • Thoracic gas volume (VTG) (Lung Volume Testing)
  • Diffusing capacity (DLCO)
  • Maximum voluntary ventilation
  • Arterial blood gases with and without exercise
  • Flow-volume curves pre/post bronchodilator
  • Oximetry
  • Walking oximetry
  • Peak flow rates (PEFR)
  • Airway resistance
  • Negative Inspiratory Force (NIF)
Breathing Easy: New Measures for Pulmonary Medicine

Breathing Easy: New Measures for Pulmonary Medicine

According to the American Lung Association, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death in the United States, with about 12.7 million adults over the age of 18 suffering from the disease...

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