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Infectious Diseases at GBMC

Infectious Diseases

6701 N. Charles St.
Main Hospital, Suite 5100
Towson , MD 21204

Lily Parking Garage

(443) 849-2327

(443) 849-4839

Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Providing inpatient consultation for adults who are hospitalized because of an infectious process

The Division of Infectious Diseases treats for conditions and infections of all types, such as Lyme disease, HIV, fever of unknown origin and joint infection. In addition to training residents, the division participates in hospital-wide infection control and pharmacy committees. The division's physicians are all board certified and together, they have nearly 50 years of experience. The knowledgeable staff creates a pleasant and patient-friendly environment.

Our Services

  • Assistance in control of antibiotic use and prevention of hospital acquired infections
  • Inpatient and outpatient evaluation or referral from your primary physician
  • Diagnosis and treatment of a large variety of conditions including:
    • Soft tissue/skin infections
    • Slow to respond/resistance infections
    • Pneumonia
    • Complex UTI
    • Acute Lyme disease
    • Infections in immunocompromised individuals
    • Bone and joint infections
    • Antibiotic associated colitis
    • HIV
    • Fever of unknown origin
  • Management of long term IV antibiotic therapy
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Lyme disease curable? 
Yes, but some symptoms may persist after the disease has been cured. 

How contagious is MRSA? 
MRSA is contagious; however, it's mostly a problem for vulnerable individuals. It can occasionally be transmitted in school, household or athletic situations. Regular use of alcohol-based hand wash is important in prevention. 

What is the best way to prevent diarrhea when needing to take an antibiotic? 
The use of a probiotic such as active culture-containing yogurt, lactobacillus or saccharonyles-containing capsules may be helpful.