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Radiology at GBMC


6701 N. Charles St.
Main Hospital
Towson , MD 21204

Berman Parking Garage

(443) 849-2343

Providing both outpatient and inpatient diagnostic imaging services for the greater Baltimore community

Our services include fluoroscopy, computerized tomography, ultrasound (general, vascular, echo), nuclear medicine, interventional radiology, and all general radiology procedures. 

MRI and PET/CT services are provided on the GBMC campus by Advanced Radiology. To schedule an appointment for these procedures, you may contact them directly at 410-296-5610. 

Outpatient radiology services are also provided in the Pavilion Imaging Center located between the Oasis Coffee Shop and Physician Pavilion West. Mammograms are specifically offered at the Pavilion Imaging Center. To schedule an appointment for these procedures, you may contact Advanced Radiology directly at 410-580-2330. You may also visit their website at

Hours of Operation 

The Department of Radiology supports the emergent hospital procedures 24 hours each day, and provides outpatient scheduled procedures as follows (Monday - Friday): 

Diagnostic Radiology: 8:00am - 4:00pm 
Computerized Tomography (CT): 7:30am - 4:30pm 
Ultrasound (General, Vascular, Echo): 8:00am - 3:00pm 
Nuclear Medicine: 8:00am - 3:00pm 
Interventional Radiology: 8:00am - 3:00pm 

Our Radiology Team 

Our radiology team is comprised of radiologists, hospital administration, technologists and sonographers, radiology educators, and highly qualified support members. All of our radiologists are board certified. Our technologists are credentialed by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, and are licensed by the Maryland Board of Physicians. Our sonographers are certified by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. They are all experienced and caring professionals working together to help diagnose and treat our patients. 

Schedule an Appointment with Radiology 


Patient services assistants are available to schedule appointments from 8am -5pm Monday - Friday

  • Please call 443.849.2343
  • Select option 2 to schedule an appointment.
  • Then, press option 1 to schedule a particular appointment type.

Request an appointment online

Please be prepared to provide:

  • Patient name & date of birth
  • Referring physician name
  • Diagnosis/Reason for exam
  • Exam type
  • Insurance type
  • Preferred date and time of exam

Our Services

The department of Radiology operates over 50 different imaging devices throughout the GBMC campus. We also offer approximately 500 different kinds of procedures, and perform over 142,000 procedures annually. In addition to cardiac CT scanning and virtual colonoscopy, our skilled staff performs many other diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are tailored to meet the needs of the individual patient. Our services include:

  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Computerized Tomography (CT)
  • Ultrasound (General, Vascular, and Echocardiography)
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography (PET/CT)

Learn more

Your First Appointment

When visiting the Department of Radiology, it is helpful to understand that we provide various services throughout the campus. Bear in mind that the main Department of Radiology (diagnostic radiology, CT, general ultrasound, interventional radiology) is on the third (main) floor of the hospital, just behind the The Corner Shop, in Zone B. If you are ever in doubt, use The Corner Shop as a landmark, and you will not have far to go from there! 

Radiology services including vascular ultrasound, echocardiography and nuclear medicine are located on the first level of the hospital. The easiest access point for these services is to park in Bluebell Park and follow the signs from there. 

What you need to bring for your scheduled or walk-in radiology examination:

  • The prescription or physician's order for your examination
  • Insurance card(s)
  • Photo ID
  • Any films from another facility, pertaining to the area to be examined (if applicable)

For All Scheduled Examinations:

  • You will be asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete the registration process
  • The duration of the examination differs based on the type of procedure that you will have. These details are relayed to the patient or the physician's office at the time of scheduling, as is the preparation for the exam, i.e. nothing to eat, no caffeine, etc.

For Scheduled Examinations on the 3rd - Main Level of the Hospital:

  • Upon parking in Rose Park, enter the hospital and proceed to the Information Desk in the center of the Main Lobby to register for your radiology examination
  • After you are registered, you will be taken either to the Radiology Reception Area, or to the Interventional Radiology Nursing Area (depending on your examination type)
  • There you will await a technologist or nurse who will escort you to the area where your examination will be performed
  • If you are having a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, it is possible to have a 90 minute wait prior to your exam to allow time to drink oral contrast
  • If we are to draw your lab work prior to your CT scan, there is a one-hour wait for the results to become available after it is drawn, after which your CT scan will be performed

For Scheduled Examinations on the 1st level of the hospital:

  • Upon parking in Bluebell Park enter the main door labeled as Zone C - Special Imaging, and proceed to the registration desk
  • After being registered, the patient access personnel will contact the technologist or sonographer, who will come to the waiting area to escort you to your examination

Walk-In Examinations - Third Floor Only:

  • All plain x-rays, i.e. chest, hand, foot, etc., are on a walk-in basis and, like all scheduled exams, depend on your insurance type
  • Walk-in basis exams are available Monday - Friday 7:30am - 7:00pm

Some helpful tips:

  • There is valet parking available at the main entrance in Zone B, as well as in the obstetrical entrance in Zone D
  • If you are in need of a wheelchair they are readily available in the main lobby in Zone B, and at the entrance to Sherwood Surgical Center in Zone A

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