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Stewards of Children

Stewards of Children

Advanced Certification in Perinatal Care from the Joint Commission

No more secrets, no more stolen childhoods

The reality:

  • 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18
  • Roughly 57,000 cases of sexual abuse are reported each year
  • Sexual abuse is an ACE (adverse childhood experience) and contributes to poor health outcomes for victims

The vision:

  • All trusted adults are aware of the signs and symptoms to prevent abuse from happening
  • Childhood sexual abuse is part of the conversation and training model for all mandated reporters
  • Adult victims access available resources, begin their path to healing and become survivors
Stewards of Children

GBMC has partnered with No More Stolen Childhoods to bring a unique, evidenced-informed training session, with GBMC SAFE nurses. Stewards of Children is a two-hour training that teaches adults practical actions to prevent child sexual abuse or intervene if abuse is suspected. This 2-hour course is suited for community leaders, PTA/PTO, sports leagues, coaches, school groups, youth groups, and parents.

Due to COVID-19 precautions, all trainings are now being offered virtually. Click here for dates and registration.