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139 Greater Baltimore Medical Center physicians, in 76 unique specialties, were named in Baltimore Magazine’s “Top Doctors” listings for 2017. Several of those medical staff members were recognized in more than one category and some have been recognized many years in a row.

GBMC has always had a strong showing in the Baltimore magazine Top Docs edition. This year, Robert K. Brookland, MD, chairman of GBMC’s Department of Radiation Oncology, was one of six eminent doctors, from a pool of over 700 physicians in the Baltimore area, selected to be profiled in the current TOP DOCS issue.

In preparing its annual list of “Top Doctors,” Baltimore magazine surveyed nearly 13,000 area physicians and asked where they would send members of their own family for specialized care. This important question is at the very center of GBMC’s vision of providing each of our patients with care worthy of our own loved ones.

View the full listing of GBMC “Top Doctors”

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