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More than 50 patients of GBMC’s Comprehensive Obesity Management Program (COMP) and their supporters will be participating in a workout session in preparation for the GBMC 2016 Father’s Day 5K race this June. This session is the mid-point of their training schedule and will include a practice run of the Father’s Day 5K course; a guest motivational speaker and festivities to celebrate their current weight and training goals.

The COMPto5K initiative is a six-month project, designed to support and encourage COMP patients to incorporate exercise in their weight loss via a 5K training process. Those who signed up in late Dec. 2015 officially started their training regimen, for the Father’s Day 5K event, on Jan. 3... Training for the event has included scheduled team runs and/or trail walks and workout classes on the GBMC medical campus.

Gustavo E. Bello, M.D., bariatric surgeon with GBMC COMP, hopes that the training will help participants get ready for the Father’s Day 5K event, but more importantly will give them lifelong lessons on the significance of exercise and its vital role in their commitment to weight loss. “At COMP, we strongly believe that exercise plays a major role in helping our patients achieve their weight loss goals after surgery,” says Bello. “For this reason, I remind my patients don’t find the time to exercise, make the time to exercise.’”

Training has gone beyond weekly runs with the creation of a blog and a website ( that allows participants to stay up to date with weekly training plans, read topical content and obtain advice about injury prevention and more. An email campaign has also been utilized to help participants avoid common pitfalls of training, how to achieving training milestones and rewarding successes along with sharing content among participants and other motivational tools.


9:00 AM to 10:15 AM


GBMC Medical Campus by the South Chapman Building located on 6545 North Charles Street

Map of the GBMC medical campus:

Please enter via the Sheppard Pratt Entrance on North Charles Street. Media can park their vehicles in adjacent parking lots by the South Chapman building.


B-roll of the event and interviews with:

COMPto5K participants and patients. For more please visit

Elizabeth Dovec, MD, Medical Director, GBMC COMP

Gustavo E. Bello, MD, Bariatric Surgeon, GBMC COMP

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