They Helped Us Fulfill Our Dreams
March 23, 2015I was referred to Dr. Claire Weitz with Perinatal Associates shortly after moving to the Baltimore area. I have what is called uterine didelphys, which is a uterine abnormality. Because of this abnormality, I was considered a high-risk pregnancy from the get-go. My husband and I went to Aruba for our baby-moon and I ended up in the hospital with pre-term labor at 26 weeks. We managed to get back to Baltimore and I was, from then on, closely monitored by my doctor and the hospital.
I had to come in to GBMC and do an NST, ultrasound and doctor's visit twice a week. I was admitted to the hospital numerous times for further monitoring, as I was very much dilated and effaced. The quality care I received during this time helped me to make it to 36 weeks and two days! No one thought I would make it that far in my pregnancy.
On February 9, 2015, I came to a regular doctor's visit and I was told that my water had broken. I didn't know exactly when that had started, so my doctor said that we were going to have the baby that day. I wasn't scheduled for a c-section until February 23, so this was very much a surprise. She told me to call my husband and my family and tell them to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I was then sent down to Labor & Delivery. Nurses are given 2 hours to prep patients for c-sections, and we did it all in under 20 minutes!
After arriving in Labor & Delivery, my baby boy was born at 5:43 p.m. – only about 40 minutes after getting there! Those present during the surgery and in recovery were amazing and very comforting. I had an uneventful c-section, thanks to the talented staff. My baby was four pounds 10 ounces, and 18.5 inches long. He was a teeny little guy, but very strong, and had a very high APGAR score, considering he was almost a month early!
Because I had a c-section, I had the privilege of staying in the hospital for three nights. We had such a wonderful experience staying at the hospital! The rooms were comfortable, the staff was amazing, the food was awesome and everyone was so helpful and willing to give us tips and advice on everything from breastfeeding to diapering. My husband and I laugh now, because we know we wouldn't be anywhere near ready for this baby if we hadn't had those few days in the hospital, soaking up all the knowledge and advice everyone had to give! If we are still in the Baltimore area for our next child, we will be delivering at Greater Baltimore Medical Center!
My husband and I went through so much to even get pregnant. It was a long journey. Once we got pregnant, we had many hurdles to jump and difficult situations to deal with. Because of the amazing care that I received at GBMC, I was able to deliver a healthy baby boy. We were told that having a baby might not have happened for us, but with the help of GBMC, we were able to fulfill our dream!