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Nurses have long been recognized as the backbone of the healthcare system at GBMC, supporting all three work systems: the hospital, GBMC Health Partners practices, and Gilchrist. Nurses spend more time with patients than any other healthcare professional and have the most direct impact on a patient’s experience, safety, and health outcomes.

However, nurses receive only 1% of healthcare philanthropy, according to Becker’s Hospital Review. The limited financial support they do receive is often directed toward temporary fixes for staffing issues without creating lasting solutions to deeper systemic problems. In fact, only three out of every 100 grants for nurses focus on investing in nursing leadership and nurse-led innovation.

The healthcare sector will face formidable challenges predicted to come to a head in the year 2030, and research suggests a well-equipped nursing workforce is critical to being prepared.

Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) released reports about a looming healthcare crisis: in 2035, for the first time in U.S. history, older adults will outnumber children. The growing aging population, often referred to as “the aging tsunami,” will increase demand for healthcare services, intensifying the strain on an already stretched nursing workforce. More people will require medical intervention, including surgery and management of chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These patients will be treated in the hospital, primarily in medical/surgical units, and much of their care will need to be provided by nurses.

Data from the Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics lists Maryland among the top states where nurses will be needed most based on current nurse-to-state population ratios. Maryland is number 8 on that list of shortages, with only 8.08 nurses per 1,000 people and is projected to need 12,320 additional nurses by the year 2030.

Under the leadership of Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer Angie Feurer, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, GBMC has already made monumental strides in addressing today’s most pressing nursing staffing challenges. Dr. Feurer has truly turned the tide on the organization’s reliance on agency nurses and reduced the overall nurse vacancy by more than half.

"At GBMC, we're not just responding to the challenges in nursing; we're proactively shaping a brighter future for the profession," Dr. Feurer said. "I want the nurses of tomorrow to have more than just support—they should have a robust platform for innovation and excellence."

Dr. Feurer has developed a strategic plan for the future of GBMC nursing that addresses the challenges head-on to sustain resilience in the face of new demands.

Here are just some of the planned initiatives:

  • Maximizing retention and workplace satisfaction
  • Improving the experience of Medical/Surgical nurses
  • Investing in vital partners in patient care (Certified Nurse Assistants, Sitters)
  • Redesigning the Professional Excellence Model (Clinical ladder)
  • Funding nursing education
  • Investing in research and nurse-led innovation

GBMC has made many investments in its nurses over the years, including several competitive pay increases, tuition reimbursement, and loan forgiveness, but we are currently seeking investments to make a lasting difference for our providers, and in turn, our patients and families. For a community-based healthcare system with limited reimbursement, philanthropy is the only path forward to realize a strategic vision for nursing at GBMC. Investing in the ideas of our nurse leaders, which are supported by local and national data, will not only redefine how GBMC supports its staff but will set an industry precedent.

To learn more about how GBMC is preparing for future nursing demands and to read the 2030 and Beyond Strategic Plan for Nursing, contact Rachel Ladenson, Senior Director of Development: 443-849-3765 or

Nurses Week 2024

Each year during National Nurses Week, we celebrate our incredible nursing staff to thank them for their dedication to our patients. This year, we held a GBMC Appreciation Night at Camden Yards, hosted a variety of food trucks on campus, and partied at the 8th annual Art of Nursing Celebration at B.C. Brewery in Hunt Valley with dinner, drinks, and dancing to live music! Nearly 200 nurses were nominated from across the system to be recognized with awards in nine categories. The 2024 winners were:

Clinical Assistant Support Award (Inpatient)

Tierra Palm, CNA - Endoscopy

Clinical Assistant Support Award (Outpatient)

Kimberly Pitt - GBMC Health Partners Pulmonary Medicine

Mrs. H. Norman Baetjer, Jr. Nursing Graduate of the Year Award

Julia Rossetto, RN - Surgical ICU

Nurse Clinician of the Year Award

Rachel Kate Price, BSN, RN, CMSRN - Unit 47

Diversity in Nursing Award

Simfrosa "Sim" Gumabong, MHA, BSN, RN, PCCN - Post-Anesthesia Care Unit

Nurse Leader Award

Vivian "Gail" Blackburn, BSN, RN - Gilchrist

Patient- and Family-Centered Care Award

Rebecca Wakefield, RN – Gilchrist

Evidence-Based Practice Award

Advanced Practice Providers

Nightingale Award

April Asuncion Higgins, BSN, RN, CMSRN - The Joint & Spine Center

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