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Presbyterian Board of Governors Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence

Coronavirus COVID-19 Cochlear Protocol

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cochlear Protocol

We are excited to resume serving our patients with a modified schedule as recommended the week of May 18th, 2020.  We appreciate your patience as we implement precautions to keep you and our community safe. Things will look a bit different at our center, but it will be the same smiling faces underneath our masks and face shields! We are aware of the impact that masks have on so many of our patients who rely on visual cues to assist with communication. Supplemental communication options, such as real-time captioning, will be available if needed to ensure good interaction.  Below you will find the most current policy as we re-open the office.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our office at 443-849-8400.

COVID-19- Safety Screening and Visitor Policies

For the safety of our patients and staff, and to reduce potential exposure to Coronavirus/ COVID-19, GBMC Health Partners and the Presbyterian Board of Governors Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence at GBMC have implemented the following patient and visitor policy.

Patients and visitors will be asked to wear a mask, receive a temperature screening and be asked screening questions by clinical staff prior to entry into the center. Patients will not be allowed entry:

  • If a patient/visitor has a fever greater than 100.0(F)
  • If patient/visitor has been in contact with someone who was confirmed or suspected to have Coronavirus/ COVID-19 in the last month.
  • If patient/visitor has experienced flu-like symptoms in the last month.
  • If patient/visitor has traveled internationally in the last month.

Following social distancing protocols, we ask that you arrive on time to your scheduled appointment.

  • If arrive early, you may be asked to wait in your vehicle and will be contacted via phone when it is time to come into the office.
  • If arrive late, you may be asked to re-schedule your appointment. 

One parent or caregiver of pediatric patient (< 18 years) will be permitted to accompany patient to facilitate care or treatment.  No visitors will be permitted to accompany the patient in the waiting room or procedure room unless needed to facilitate care or treatment. In this circumstance, one visitor will be permitted.

We will ask that you complete forms ahead of time and/or electronically to reduce your exposure in the waiting room.  Limited and spaced seating will be available in the waiting area, but our goal is to begin service immediately when possible.  All surfaces will be cleaned following each patients’ appointment, so this will require a few additional steps in between each patient.  Please follow directions for the recommended standing and seating arrangement in the waiting room.  Thank you for your continued trust in the CI Center @ GBMC.