Head and Neck Osteomyelitis Team
Head and Neck Osteomyelitis
Inflammation of the bone caused by an infection, which may spread to the bone marrow and tissues near the bone. Osteomyelitis can cause severe pain in the infected bone. If it is not treated, it can kill bone tissue.
Learn About Osteomyelitis
Osteonecrosis is a disease caused by reduced blood flow to bones in the joints.
Osteoradionecrosis is a complication from radiation therapy to the head and neck that leads to bone death as healthy cells are also harmed during treatment.
Osteomyelitis in the head neck region can be caused by surgery, dental procedure, radiation, trauma/injury, chemotherapy, poor blood supply to the bone, infected tissue around the bone, infection in one part of the body going to head and neck bones, open head and neck bone, and medications.
Head and neck osteomyelitis are diagnosed by a combinational clinical evaluation, radiologic evaluation, and bone biopsy.
Signs and symptoms can be present as one symptom or combination of the following: Redness, pain, swelling, warmth, fever fatigue, fluid coming out from opening in the skin, mass.
Head and neck osteomyelitis can be treated by a single or combination of the following: Long-term antibiotics, hyperbaric oxygen treatment, surgery, and medications.
Preparing for Your Appointment
Dr. Ray Blanco, Dr. Farzad Masroor, Dr. Alan Kimmel, Dr. Theodore Bailey, Dr. Karoll Cortez and Ghassan Sinada, DDS at GBMC are experts in treating head and neck osteomyelitis. They can also offer you a second opinion.
Call 443-849-8940 to schedule your appointment.