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The three-level addition to GBMC’s main hospital has been named in recognition of one exceptional couple’s generosity to The Promise Project campaign. 

Louis and Phyllis Friedmans’ inspirational gift will be memorialized at the new front entrance to GBMC in honor of the couple’s generous $5 million contribution to the project as well as their legacy. Their transformational pledge brings fundraising to 94% of its goal. 

Louis and Phyllis Friedman
Louis and Phyllis Friedman

“The profound impact Louis and Phyllis Friedman make on their community through their philanthropic support is outstanding,” John B. Chessare, MD, MPH, President and CEO of GBMC HealthCare, said. “Their inspirational gift to the inpatient facility of The Promise Project will be memorialized at the new front entrance to GBMC and provide generations of compassionate care and advanced healing to those in their community.” 

The Louis and Phyllis Friedman Building, which is expected to begin serving patients in November 2023, will feature two acute care units with 60 spacious patient rooms, a modern lobby, interfaith chapel, healing garden, conference center, and medical library. 

Louis and Phyllis Friedman believe the most important gift you can give to your community is good health. “Good health is a pre-condition of all the things we want to do and all the progress we want to see in any society,” Phyllis said. “GBMC has demonstrated a commitment to quality care that we greatly appreciate and wanted to recognize with this gift.” 

When Phyllis’ best friend was diagnosed with cancer, it was the care and support she received at the Sandra and Malcom Berman Cancer Institute that Phyllis still remembers appreciatively, but the Friedman’s involvement with GBMC has spanned four generations, including the birth of their first grandchild. 

“Not only does this gift recognize the quality and compassionate care we know already exists at GBMC, but we wanted to ensure this care continued for generations to come,” Louis said. “It was important to us that our children and grandchildren were recognized with a plaque at the entrance because this gift is for them and their future.” 

September 2 marked one year since the groundbreaking on the inpatient facility. The Louis and Phyllis Friedman Building is one of two historic advancements currently under construction at GBMC. The Sandra R. Berman Pavilion, to connect to the Friedman Building, will provide a single destination for cancer care services. 

With the needs of its patients and the input of its medical and nursing staff guiding every step, The Promise Project aims to optimize GBMC, further strengthening its position as the premier space for patient care in the Greater Baltimore community. It is steadfast, committed, and compassionate donors like the Friedmans that make care like this possible.

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