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Perhaps not every hospital Spiritual Support Services director has a hand in designing the space where patients and those caring for them will retreat for solace. But when it comes to understanding how a hospital chapel functions, GBMC Chaplain the Reverend J. Joseph Hart, M.Div., BCC, is better prepared than most.

In his nearly 30 years ministering to the spiritual needs of those who come to GBMC for care, Hart has counseled patients and their families - of origin and of choice - including members of nearly every faith tradition, as well as those without one. He has a deep understanding of how individuals interact with the chapel. In fact, Rev. Hart has studied this area of design and has served as a worship space consultant elsewhere.

"I feel honored that the hospital has allowed me to give input on the design," he said.

GBMC's new chapel will be a centerpiece of the Louis and Phyllis Friedman Building, scheduled to open in November 2023. As he watched plans take shape, Rev. Hart deepened his investment and became a donor to The Promise Project.

"It is a privilege to be able to give," he said. "I am profoundly grateful to the Kahlert family, the Freidmans and everyone who is making this possible."

The architects at Hord Coplan Macht carved a stunning footprint for the Yvonne Kahlert Chapel, taking full advantage of the healing garden on the other side of its glass wall. Rev. Hart recognized that even in this beautiful new setting, the incorporation of key elements of GBMCís previous chapel is vital.

The stained-glass windows, for example, convey the beauty of creation and welcome those who visit to experience the divine in and through their beliefs. That vision is one of simplistic, organic beauty, conveyed in neutral tones.

ìI am thrilled to have the opportunity to include a link to our past as we envision the future,î Rev. Hart said. "The chapel should not distract. You are the focal point, as a human person. struggling with your own illness and mortality, or that of someone you love."

In addition to these spiritual considerations, there is a practical one that will serve GBMC and the Spiritual Support Services program well. The offices of the Spiritual Support Services program will be located right next door to the chapel.

"This is the first time that we have been able to centralize all of our spiritual support opportunities," Rev. Hart said.

In the new Friedman Building, someone who seeks out the chapel will have no trouble finding a staff member or volunteer close by, ready to help.

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