GBMC Recognizes Most Loyal Donors
September 1, 2020COVID-19 might have prevented us from gathering this past spring, but we want to take an important moment to honor those individuals, foundations and corporations that have been both incredibly loyal and thoughtfully generous to GBMC. These donors have cumulatively given $1 million in their lifetime to be recognized in the 1965 Society and $250,000 cumulatively to be recognized in the Joseph S. Keelty Society.
GBMC is honored to have so many faithful supporters – more than so many other community hospitals of our size. These leaders in philanthropy are so incredibly special to us because without them we would not be able to serve the community quite as well as we do. Their partnership and belief in the potential of their community hospital makes it possible for us to achieve great things.
With that said, here are the 2020 inductees of The 1965 Society and the Joseph S. Keelty Society. We very much look forward to honoring you when it is safe to do so. Our time together will be even more special and sweet.
The 1965 Society
Louis and Phyllis Friedman
David D. Smith Family Foundation
The Joseph S. Keelty Society
J. Richard Awalt
Heidi and Brian Berghuis
Sana and Andy Brooks
Dr. Gary I. and Charlene M. Cohen
GBMC Parents Advisory Council
Frances A. and Mark W. Harris
Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lucas, II
The Mosaic Group
The Thomas F. and Clementine L. Mullan Foundation
Mrs. Mildred E. Neeper
Dick and Mickey Price
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Saunders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan Smith
Marion G. Thompson
Philip A. Zaffere Foundation