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For almost 20 years, labor and delivery nurse Kristan Zylka, BSN, RN, has been assisting in welcoming babies into the world at GBMC.

“It never gets old,” she said. “Every story is different. Every family has its own uniqueness, and it is a thrill every time. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

In addition to the excitement of birth, Zylka values her nursing career at GBMC because of the outstanding quality of the personalized obstetric care new moms receive.

“The community of caregivers here is one in which people really enjoy their jobs and each other. It shows, especially in the relationships between the physicians and nurses. We all truly have the patients’ best interest at heart,” she said.

In 2022, GBMC was named one of America’s Best Maternity Hospitals by Newsweek as well as “Best Place to Deliver Your Baby” by Baltimore’s Child. But the accolades that mean the most to Zylka are the rave reviews she gets from parents about their birth experience.

“It makes me feel incredible to know that patients are happy with the care they receive. I am a mom, and I would not trade the experience of giving birth along with the memories I have from that moment for anything,” Zylka said. “To have someone experience it as a positive moment is something they will never forget.”

Zylka is just one of the thousands of highly skilled nurses who serve the GBMC community daily. The care and compassion she provides to every patient, every time is part of the reason GBMC has earned its longstanding reputation as “the baby hospital.”

“My goal is that every patient who comes in gets the same care I would want for myself, my sister, or my best friend, and I keep that in my mind the whole time,” Zylka said. “I share their goals, their hopes, their dreams for their birth experience with their doctor and their care team because I would hope someone would do that for me.”

With your help, GBMC can continue to retain top talent like Zylka, and financially support nurses in their continued education and credentialing. Consider a donation to support GBMC HealthCare Nursing today.

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