COVID-19 Message from President and CEO, John B. Chessare, MD, MPH
March 18, 2020Dr. John Chessare, MD, MPH, updates you on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) status at GBMC.
Two patients were tested positive at GBMC and they are currently at home recuperating. A number of other patients are sick but we do not have the results. We are extremely thankful and grateful for our dedicated doctors, nurses, and other GBMC staff for their amazing work to date. But more importantly, we want to thank the community, and you. You have done exactly what GBMC needs you to do like washing your hands, stayed home when possible, and coped with the fact that many events have been canceled.
Because of this, we as a community have helped blunt the surge of cases of the Coronavirus. The worst thing that could happen is if not very sick patients brought the virus to the hospital and infected the staff. If the staff, doctors and nurses become infected, we will not be able to care for the smaller number of individuals who really need our help.
We want to say "thank you" and please keep up the great work. We will get through this together. *Click here for more information about the coronavirus (COVID-19)*