Orthopaedic - Enhanced Recovery Surgical Innovation
Before Surgery (At Home)
Activate your MyChart at GBMC
Register for your Pre-op Joint Replacement Class
Pickup your Pre-op Joint Replacement Supplies
- Joint Replacement Guidebook
- Preop Skin Prep: CHG Wash Kit
- Incentive Spirometer
Enhanced Recovery – Surgical Innovation Patient Education Packet
- Prior to leaving the surgeons office, you will receive your patient education packet.
- Bring your packet to every appointment regarding your surgery.
- For qualified ERSI patients, view the introductory video here.
- Download Enhanced Recovery Patient Education Packet
Pre-Admission Testing
- You will need to undergo a history and physical and have blood work completed in order to be cleared for surgery.
- We highly recommended GBMC’s pre-admission testing department; otherwise, this can be done by your primary care physician.
- Visit GBMC's Ambulatory Testing Center for your MSSA/MRSA Surveillance Nasal Swab Test and your COVID-19 test.
- We recommend you increase your exercise by at least 10% prior to surgery. You can do this by simply walking 30 minutes a day.
- Your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist or an exercise program depending on your diagnosis and procedure.
- An in-home pre-surgical assessment should be completed by a physical therapist prior to your admission.
- Visit ActiveLife website.
- A nutrition supplement or nutrition education resources may be recommended depending on your diagnosis or procedure.
- Try to increase your protein intake with supplements, dairy, meat, beans, legumes, soy products, and eggs.
- Having good nutrition all the way up to the date of surgery will ensure adequate healing afterwards.
- Visit the Geckle Diabetes and Nutrition Center at GBMC
- Visit Milton J. Dance, Jr. Head and Neck Center at GBMC
Nasal Swab
- During your visit in the surgeon’s office, a nasal swab screening will be completed to determine if you are positive for s. aureus.
- If your test is abnormal, MRSA+, you will be given two intravenous antibiotics during the perioperative phase of the day of your surgery.
- If you are allergic to orange fruit, please notify your doctor or the Joint & Spine Center as soon as possible.
- Mupirocin 2% intranasal ointment, every 12-hrs, beginning 5-days before your surgery for a total of ten applications inside your nose.
CHG/Hibiclens Wash or Theraworx Wash
- You will be instructed to shower using CHG/Hibiclens wash three days prior to surgery and up to seven days after surgery.
- If you are allergic to CHG/Hibiclens wash, you will be instructed to use a product known as Theraworx.
- The solution kills bacteria on the skin that could cause a wound infection after surgery.
- CHG Instructions
- Hibiclens Intsructions
- Theraworx Instructions
Deep Breathing Exercise and/or Incentive Spirometry
- You will be instructed to complete deep breathing exercises and/or use an incentive spirometer prior to surgery to keep your lungs healthy.
- Deep Breathing Exercise
- Incentive Spirometry
Before Surgery (Pre-Operatively)
Medication List
- Review list of medications that can and can't be used prior to surgery
CHG/Hibiclens or Theraworx Wipes
- You will be instructed to use CHG/Hibiclens wipes or Theraworx wipes (if allergic to CHG) at the hospital in pre-op before surgery.
- The solution kills bacteria on the skin that could cause a wound infection after surgery.
Pain Management
- Pain will be addressed using oral medications that target several different pain receptors.
Warming Gown
- You will receive a purple warming gown to keep you comfortable and help maintain your temperature through the surgical process.
Nozin Nasal Sanitizer
- The nose is a reservoir for bacteria that escape typical hygiene protocols such as hand washing. Nozin® Nasal Sanitizer® antiseptic equips health professionals, patients and individuals with a safe and effective nasal shield that helps decrease bacteria on nasal vestibule skin. Importantly, Nozin Nasal Sanitizer antiseptic is clinically shown to reduce nasal bacteria carriage without antibiotics
- On the day of your surgery, GBMC's pre-op staff will give you your first treatment and show you how to clean the inside of your nose before you go into surgery. After surgery you will be given a bottle of Nozin, first application an hour after surgery and then 9 pm that same day. You will clean the inside of your nose with Nozin 9am and 9 pm, twice a day, every day until the bottle is empty.
- If you are allergic to orange fruit, please notify your surgeon or the Joint & Spine Center, you will not be able to participate in the Nozin program.
- If you are allergic to orange fruit and you are MSSA+ or MRSA+ in the nares, you will need an intranasal antibiotic ointment to begin five days before your surgery.
- Mupirocin 2% intranasal ointment, every 12-hrs, beginning 5-days before your surgery for a total of ten applications inside your nose.
- If you are allergic to orange fruit and you are MSSA+ or MRSA+ in the nares, you will need an intranasal antibiotic ointment to begin five days before your surgery.
- Will be given within one hour of incision.
- Evidence-based, best practice recommendations will be used throughout surgery.
- These standardized anesthetics will be focused on non-narcotic pain medications, and often utilizes local anesthetic pain blocks for the best possible pain relief.
- Pain will be addressed using oral medications that target several different pain receptors.
- You should be out of bed and walking the day after surgery.
- Daily ambulation goals will be set by the medical team and their completion encouraged by nursing staff.
- The day after surgery, we will place you on a clear liquid diet and encourage gum chewing as well as high protein supplements.
- We will advance your diet with solid food as tolerated. Proper nutrition will allow for improved recovery and reduce your risk for surgical infection.
- The goal is to get your diet advanced to solid food as quickly as we can, once you are medically able to.
- Nutrition
- Incentive Spirometry
- Deep Breathing Exercises
- Patient Education Packet
- BAIR Paws Peri-operative Warming Therapy Gown
- CHG Instructions
- Hibiclens Intsructions
- Theraworx Instructions
- James C. Johnston, MD
- Stewart L. Koehler, MD
- Todd M. Melegari, MD
- Peter Jay, MD
- David P. Buchalter, MD
- James L. Huang, MD
- Gurminder S. Ahuja, MD
- April Asuncion Higgins, RN (Joint Program Manager)
- Brittany Boyce (ECIP Program Manager)