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The campaign to create a new home for cancer care, the Sandra R. Berman Pavilion, recently received a boost when Louis and Phyllis Friedman, in their roles as directors of the Herman & Walter Samuelson Foundation, announced a transformative gift. When the first medical oncology patients arrive for treatment in January 2025, they will be welcomed to the Herman & Walter Samuelson Infusion Center, named in honor of the foundation’s founders.

The Samuelson Foundation has been a key supporter of oncology at GBMC for many years. In fact, in recognition of an endowment the foundation created to help fund the program, Dr. Paul Celano, MD, FACP, FASCO, was named the Herman & Walter Samuelson Medical Director of the Sandra & Malcolm Berman Cancer Institute. As another illustration of their thoughtful support, the foundation has made an additional campaign contribution to fund the new office of the medical director.

Louis Friedman said the gifts are in keeping with the legacy the Samuelsons hoped to create.

Herman and Walter Samuelson were successful real estate developers who chose to leave their estate to the Herman and Walter Samuelson Foundation at their death,” he explained. “Their primary purpose in doing so was to be sure that their strong ethical values, one of which related to the importance of quality medical care, could be continued.

“This grant, to create a modern infusion center at GBMC, epitomizes this desire.”

The Friedmans first became interested in the Berman Cancer Institute when they witnessed the expert and compassionate care provided to a friend of Mrs. Friedman’s. One of the couple’s earliest gifts to GBMC created an endowment for the hospital’s Oncology Support Services program, which removes barriers to care and provides support for cancer patients.

As GBMC has grown, their support has grown with it. The hospital’s new inpatient facility, due to open in November, is named the Louis and Phyllis Friedman Building, in appreciation for their extraordinary generosity.

Dr. Geoffrey Neuner, co-chair with Jason Michael Berman of the Berman Pavilion capital campaign, said the campaign has been energized by the Friedmans’ investment.

“It is thrilling to see a gift like this,” he said. “The Bermans and the Friedmans have inspired others by their example.”

Dr. Celano agreed, “We are grateful for every gift to the Berman Cancer Institute and to this campaign. The Herman & Walter Samuelson Infusion Center will be a beautiful place of healing for cancer patients.”

Construction of the Sandra R. Berman Pavilion is expected to take another 15 months, but the garage that serves as its foundation will open in November. When it does, patients will have easier access to the Sheila K. Riggs Radiation Oncology Center, an important first step in improving the experience for cancer patients at GBMC.

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