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The story of Caroline Broomell, in her own words.

I have been a nurse at GBMC for more than 15 years. Both of my children were born here, and I had a fabulous experience both times. It is my experience with my second child, however, that I really want to share. I was given the option to have this second baby at another hospital, because my husband works at another institution. I could not imagine having my babies anywhere but at GBMC, and I am so happy that I made that decision.

Almost from the time that I found out I was pregnant, my GBMC family cared for me. I have been blessed to work in Labor & Delivery, the Newborn Nursery, Postpartum, and most recently in the Women's Surgical Center, so I know a lot of people here. Everyone, from the Genetics team to people I would see in the hallway, expressed joy when I would see them during my pregnancy. My fellow nurses and surgeons were supportive and caring. I got to dance, pregnant belly included, in the GBMC Overcomer video, which was such a positive experience. I worked full time until past my due date, and when it came time to have the baby, my water broke at work. Bev Anderson, my coworker in PACU that day, got everyone to pitch in and get me to Labor and Delivery. I felt like I was given the royal treatment. I was wheeled to L&D, greeted at the desk, and given superior care. My doctor, Dr. Dominique Allen, was scheduled to go on vacation that evening, but the other doctors covering for her made sure I knew I'd be well cared for. My primary nurse, Lisa Bachman, was my preceptor when I came to GBMC in 1999, and she was also present at the couples' weekend getaway in Cape May when my husband and I got engaged. I was so lucky to have her there; she, as always, provided stellar care and emotional support. Dr. Tom Pesar provided the best anesthesia! So many others came in to help and to cheer us on. My beautiful daughter, Elizabeth, was delivered by Dr. Allen, in the attendance of Lisa, Dr. Pesar, and many of my GBMC family members. It was amazing.

My entire stay at GBMC was incredible, but it didn't end there. After we went home, baby Elizabeth and I both developed complications. We came back and forth to GBMC many times while I was on maternity leave. The lactation department and parent education were very helpful. Elizabeth suddenly quit breastfeeding, and I wasn't ready to give up. This went on for days, during which I talked to Marla Newmark many times on the phone, and she helped get us through. One of my friends, Tina Gambrell, who I met when she was a lactation consultant at GBMC, made a home visit to help us. She and I suspected a tight posterior frenulum, which causes major difficulties with breastfeeding and is tricky to diagnose. Dr. Andrew Goldstone was recommended to us, and his staff members were so caring and competent with baby Elizabeth. After our visit to Dr. Goldstone, Elizabeth was able to breastfeed without difficulty! I had issues with abdominal muscle separation. Dr. Frank Rotolo and his office, and the CT scan department took great care of me. Dr. Allen and my children's pediatrician, Dr. Mary Jo Minton, were also very helpful during these difficult times. Elizabeth and I did well, due to the care we received.

I am so glad that I was able to have both of my babies at GBMC. I felt truly cared for by my GBMC family. I feel very blessed.

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