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Ron Freeman

Ron Freeman spent 40 years of his professional career in IT but was serving his fourth year as regional director of Special Olympics Maryland when the pandemic hit. He retired but knew he needed something to fill his days. GBMC wasn’t accepting volunteers at the time, but he was dogged, checking back every few days to see when applications would become available.

“I have a good friend who is a longtime volunteer at GBMC, and she always raved about how wonderful an experience it was,” Ron said. “As soon as I was able, I jumped on it. At the same time I began at GBMC, I also started another volunteer gig somewhere else. I did not get the same level of satisfaction from that job as I was receiving at GBMC, so I asked for an additional assignment.”

You can find Ron in the Infusion Center one day a week and serving as a patient ambassador in the inpatient units another day. He enjoys feeling like he is providing a positive experience for the people he interacts with.

Let’s get to know Ron!

What makes you laugh?

Stephen Colbert when he fakes vomiting.

What is the last gift you gave?

A scarf at the GBMC Gift Shop. It was an anniversary gift for my wife, and she hasn’t returned it, but she hasn’t taken the tag off either so not sure how that will turn out.

What is your go-to song you could play over and over?

The Beatles’ “In My Life”

Is there any clothing or tend you wish would come back into fashion?

The trend of wearing sweatpants all day every day, which really hit its peak in the early months of COVID.

Charles and Sandra Wilson

After decades-long careers in government, Charles and Sandra Wilson looked at service in a different way. They felt called by God to deepen their understanding of their faith and began taking classes at the Institute of Christian and Jewish Studies.

“When we heard others talking about their beliefs, we realized we didn’t know enough of our own beliefs and we decided to go to seminary,” Charles said.

Both graduated from Faith Theological Seminary in May 2016 and began looking for places to minister. They came to GBMC to support Chaplain Joe Hart and because Charles was a grateful patient of Drs. Ron Tutrone and Rob Brookland. Today, they make pastoral care visits to inpatients, providing a judgment-free zone and a ministry of presence. They also minister beyond the walls of GBMC at placements throughout Baltimore City such as homeless shelters through Volunteers of America.

“We are blessed by what we do here. A lot of times we go into rooms looking to encourage uplift and bless them and they do that for us,” Sandra said.

Let’s meet Charles and Sandra!

What is one word that would describe what volunteering means to you?

Sandra: Caring and sharing

Charles: An appreciation for God delivering me from a serious health crisis

What is your favorite book?

S: The Bible

C: The Screwtape Letters because it reminds us we are constantly under spiritual attack

What is the last gift you gave?

S & C: The head contractor working on our house was having a baby, so we bought his wife a gift. The baby was born at GBMC, and part of the gift was from the GBMC Corner Shop!

What was your favorite subject in school?

S: Math

C: Music and was taught by Mr. William Griggsby, and I still stay in contact with him. I talked to him this week!

What do you do to decompress?

S: The mountains or the beach and listen to music

C: I play the piano. I love fishing and a glass of red wine works, too.

Margaret "Marge" Thompson

Margaret “Marge” Thompson worked for a vascular surgeon at then St. Joseph’s Hospital for 20 years before retiring in 2003. She started volunteering to give herself a sense of purpose and enrich her life, which has certainly been the outcome.

In 20 years with the Volunteer Services Office at GBMC, Marge has served on the:

  • GBMC Volunteer Auxiliary Board
  • GBMC’s Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC)
  • GBMC Health Partners PFAC
  • GBMC Health Partners Quality Council
  • Art of Nursing committee
  • Prayer Shawl Ministries
  • Nearly New Sale

Marge has given GBMC so much of her time and talent, and she feels she has gotten just as much in return—lifelong friends and learning opportunities. For Marge, volunteering is mentally rewarding, gives her the ability to help others and feel appreciated.

“GBMC shows appreciation to their volunteers,” she said. “I thank GBMC for all it has given me.”

Let’s get to know Marge!

What motivates you?

Being with friends or colleagues

What is your go-to song you could play over and over?

My favorite song is Celine Dion’s “The Prayer.” I traveled to Vegas to see her.

What is a treasured family recipe?

My favorite special occasions meal was my mom’s sour beef.

What is your favorite book?

I love to read. “Genius on the Edge” was a favorite of mine. It’s a story of doctors starting Johns Hopkins.

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