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Virtual Visit Tips

Virtual Visit Tips

Interested in scheduling a weight-loss consultation? Click here to start your journey today! Once you schedule your consultation, follow the steps below to set-up your MyChart account and video visit.

Download the MyChart at GBMC app onto your phone, tablet, or computer.

If on computer: you will be prompted to install the ‘Vidyo’ extension if this is your first time having a video visit on your desktop.

Complete these pre-visit questionnaires in MyChart:

The following questionnaires are located under the “Health” tab in MyChart and must be completed on a desktop computer.

  • Bariatrics Patient History
  • Patient Medical History
  • Medications
  • Allergies

Our medical assistants will call you to verify that the information in the questionnaires is correct, obtain vital signs, and answer any questions you may have.

Attend a live virtual group session on the day of your consultation

During this 30-45 minute Zoom session, the COMP team will share important information with all patients who have consultations that day. 

You will not be asked to share any personal information during this session, and the COMP team will send you a link to the meeting.

eCheck-in for your appointment

Give the MyChart app access to your video and audio (a pop-up will appear on your screen with instructions for your device). 


Before you start:

  • Make sure you have a reliable internet connection
  • Find a quiet place for your video visit
  • Make sure your device has working video and audio capabilities
  • Disconnect Bluetooth devices so that audio from your visit is not projected in another location

Have more questions? Call MyChart support at 443-849-6100.