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2019 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report
A Letter from the president/ceo 
& committee chair
In 2019, GBMC was selected as one of 12 organizations across the United States to receive a site visit from the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award program. This is the nation’s only presidential award for performance excellence. Receiving a site visit from this rigorous and well-respected program was quite an honor for GBMC because it validates our work in continuous improvement and the highest quality of patient care. 

While we did not achieve the award this year, we are proud to have earned category best practice recognition for our role-model work in leadership. This is a significant achievement that we want to celebrate, and it shows we are on the right path to achieving the award. This achievement is yours to celebrate as well, because through your support we can build the programs to showcase. 

After the review process, we received a detailed report of the committee’s findings. It is important to note philanthropy was listed as one of our strengths. 

We are extremely proud to have such a dedicated community of supporters who are aligned with our mission, vision and values, and who continually step forward to make key investments in our work, and most importantly, in the lives of patients in our community. 

It is this community and your philanthropy that allow us to achieve great things. We are very grateful for all you do for the GBMC HealthCare System. 

We will work hard in 2020 to apply the feedback we received from the committee to make our System even better and drive us faster toward our vision. Thank you for your continued support! 

John B. Chessare, MD, MPH 
President & CEO, GBMC HealthCare 
Heidi Kenny-Berman, Esq. 
Chair, GBMC Philanthropy Committee 
Stories of giving back

Thank You to Our Donors

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Annual Schedule of GiftsFor Fiscal Year 2018 
2019 YEAR 
While GBMC HealthCare continues to strive for achieving the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation’s only presidential award for performance excellence, we are proud to have earned a category best practice recognition for our role-model practices in leadership.
GBMC HealthCare includes Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Greater Baltimore Medical Associates, Greater Baltimore Health Alliance, Gilchrist and the GBMC Foundation. 

If you wish to have your name removed from the list of those receiving communications to raise funds to support GBMC, please inform us in writing by contacting the Philanthropy Department at 6701 N. Charles Street, Towson, MD 21204.