Employee Wellness

GBMC Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
GBMC offers Critical Incident Stress Management, crisis intervention for teams or units that have experienced a traumatic event or are experiencing ongoing stress due to circumstances such as COVID-19. This includes confidential defusing and debriefing, which helps teams process their experience, receive education and resources, and return to a healthier work environment.
Carebridge – Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
GBMC HealthCare offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by Carebridge. This is a confidential employee resource that is available to all employees and can be used by household family members, as well. It is meant to help employees manage a variety of work-life issues, including personal and emotional problems, stress, and anxiety, fears surrounding COVID-19, layoffs, school changes and more.
GBMC Spiritual Support Services
Services are available for individual support and counseling as needed for employees. Virtual team debriefs are available by request. Learn more here.
GBMC CARES is a peer support service for any staff member who encounters a stressful, patient-related event. CARES team services are free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The CARES team is here to help:
- Increase awareness of the second victim problem
- Equip staff with healthy coping strategies to promote well-being
Reassure and guide staff to continue thriving in their roles
- Identify other support

Oasis Room
A relaxation space in Civiletti, The Oasis, with self-massaging chairs and virtual meditation headsets for use at your convenience.
Check back soon for more details!

GBMC's Fitness Center
Employee cost for membership is $9 per pay period and only available through payroll deduction. Register here... For questions or more information, please contact Russell Sadler at ext. 2165 or email rsadler@gbmc.org. Non-Employee cost is $23 Per Month billed through Paypal. Non-Employee is defined as contract staff that provide services to GBMC and currently have a GBMC Badge.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Fitness and Wellness Center Located?
The gym is located next to South Chapman.
When will it open?
Opening day is August 6, 2018.
Is there a cost?
Yes, the cost is $9 per pay through payroll deduction.
How do I join?
There will be an electronic registration form coming soon.
Will there be showers?
Yes, and lockers will be available as well. Employees will need to bring their own lock if they wish to use the lockers to secure their belongings.
Will towels be provided?
Towels will not be provided. Employees will need to bring their own towel.
What are the hours?
24 hours a day access, 7 days a week. The Center is Badge Access.
Where can I park?
Parking is as follows:
7am to 5pm: Monday to Friday. Employees may park in their assigned garage. At no time can members park in S. Chapman during these hours
5pm to 7am: Monday to Friday Employees may park in the South Chapman Parking Lot.
Weekend: Employees may park in the South Chapman Parking Lot.
What type of equipment will the center have?
GBMC has partnered with Matrix Fitness to design a state-of-the-art fitness center which includes:
- 8 Treadmills
- 1 Climb mill
- 1 Stepper
- 3 Exercise Bikes
- 1 Rower
- 8 Elliptical Trainers
- Circuit Weight Zone
- Stretching Zone
- Dumbbells and Kettle Bells

FREE Virtual Yoga
All GBMC HealthCare System employees (GBMC, GBMC Health Partners, Gilchrist) are invited to attend FREE virtual yoga taught by Lisa Cumberpatch (a 500-hour certified yoga instructor):
Tuesdays (2 sessions): 12:30p and 1pm
Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
Yin Yoga is a slower-paced style of yoga, with poses (seated or lying down) meant to help increase range of motion, flexibility, and increase circulation in the joints. NO Yoga experience is necessary. A great, balanced class for newcomers, experienced yogis, and every body in between. This one-hour practice includes gentle movement, meditation/quiet time, and provides relaxation tools that can be used off the mat to reduce stress in your daily life.
These classes are made possible by the GBMC HealthCare Workers Fund. To participate, when you are ready to enter the class, please visit gbmc.org/yoga and complete the waiver. Once the waiver is complete, you will be redirected to a link to enter the class - please include your first and last name when entering. Five employees or volunteers who attend 3 out of 4 classes will be randomly chosen to receive a special GBMC prize pack!
If you have questions or need assistance accessing a class, please contact the Conference Center at 443-849-3293.
Register For Yoga Here!

For Physicians, Nursing, & Advanced Practitioners
Thank you for the compassionate care that you provide to your patients. We know that your work is hard and you may not always take time to focus on your own wellbeing. However, you can’t pour from an empty cup – your wellness is important! This is why we are happy to provide you with one 10-minute seated massage per month, free of charge.
As part of your sign up, you will fill out a very brief medical history (standard for massage clients) which your massage therapist will review. Your massage will be at The Wellness Room, which is located on GBMC’s campus in Radiation Oncology (1st floor). Be sure to arrive on time (or even a little early) because appointments will be scheduled every 15 minutes.
Please sign up for only ONE massage slot PER DAY and only ONE PER MONTH.
Masks are required and all equipment will be cleaned between appointments.
Register for Massages Here!
Need to cancel or reschedule your appointment? Click here.