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Patient Experience - The Sleep Center at GBMC

Patient Experience

6701 N. Charles St.
Main Hospital, Suite 1604
Towson , MD 21204


(443) 849-3874

(443) 849-6780

Monday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm

Patient Experience

Before You Arrive

Once you make an appointment with the Sleep Center at GBMC, you'll receive a packet in the mail that provides detailed directions to the hospital along with other relevant information. 

Please bring a photo identification card, sleep wear, medications, a pillow, toothbrush, your insurance card and your referral with you to the center. 

Note: If your insurance carrier requires you to have a referral and you do not have it at the time of your appointment (unless we received it by fax or mail), we will not be able to perform your evaluation. 

If you are running late, please call 443-849-6770.  

When You Arrive

If you are driving yourself, park in Lily Park garage, enter the hospital through the garage and take the elevator to the 3rd floor. Please do not go to the hospital's Main Entrance. The doors lock at 8 p.m. and you will not be permitted to enter after that time. If someone else will be driving you, ask to be dropped off at the Emergency Department entrance. 

Walk down the hallways towards to Main Lobby. Please wait in the small waiting area near Elevator E, across from the Emergency Department. A Sleep Center technician will arrive to escort you to the study location. 

Preparing for the Study

The technician will review your paperwork and will give you a few additional forms to complete. He or she will explain the hookup procedure and answer any questions that you might have. If there is a specific time you need to wake up the next morning, inform the technician of this. 

You will be given time to change into your sleep wear and prepare for bed as you would normally do. There may be a short waiting period before the technician prepares you for monitoring, so feel free to relax, read or watch TV while you are waiting. However, please do not fall asleep before the start of your test. The technician will check on you occasionally. 

During the Study

The technician will attach a number of monitoring devices to you before you go to sleep.

  1. Small electrodes will be applied to your scalp using conductive paste and gauze. This will record your brainwaves (EEG). 
    Your hair must be free of gel and/or pins so that the electrodes can go on your scalp. You will have to shampoo your hair afterwards.
  2. Your eye movements (EOG) and chin muscle activity (EMG) are measured in a similar fashion.
  3. Heart rate and leg movements are recorded using small, self-adhesive patches that are applied directly to the skin.
  4. Respiratory airflow is measured by taping a small, flexible device directly under your nose and over your upper lip. Respiratory effort is measured by placing soft, elastic bands around the chest and abdomen, usually over your clothing for comfort.
  5. Snoring is observed through the intercom by the technician and recorded onto the computer by a small microphone taped to your neck. Blood oxygen saturation (SaO2) is recorded by placing a light sensor on one of your fingers. Please make sure fingernails are free of any dark or gel-type nail polish.

All of the required parameters are recorded using external, non-invasive devices, which cause no discomfort.
