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Adult Genetics at the Harvey Institute for Human Genetics

Adult Genetics

6701 N. Charles St.
Main Hospital, Suite 2326
Towson , MD 21204

Lily Parking Garage

(443) 849-3131

(443) 849-2919

Monday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
At this time, we are no longer able to accommodate external referrals. If you are a GBMC patient, please discuss referral to genetics with your GBMC provider.


Diagnostic care, management and treatment plans for adults with genetic conditions

The Harvey Institute for Human Genetics cares for adults who are at risk to inherit an adult-onset genetic condition or those seeking treatment for a prediagnosed genetic disorder. Depending on the individual case, a person may be given tests to identify genetic risk factors, along with consultation about options for management or treatment. Patients who seek genetic counseling & evaluation typically have a:

  • Genetic condition who would like periodic monitoring by a specialist
  • Family history of a genetic condition
  • Family history of cancer

Patient Forms

If you are interested in cancer genetic counseling, please complete the Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment questionnaire. More information is available on the Hereditary Cancer Genetics webpage

Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment

Day of Appointment

Please arrive 20 minutes before your appointment time for check-in and registration. There will be administrative paperwork to complete upon arrival. If you have never been to GBMC before, we also recommend you give yourself extra time for finding GBMC and our office. 

Our suite number is 2326 and is located on the 2nd floor of the main hospital in Zone C, near Labor and Delivery. Complimentary valet parking is available outside the Obstetrics entrance or the closest parking garage is Lily Park. We recommend at least 15 minutes for parking and walking to our office. 

As our exam and waiting room space is limited, please only bring up to two other family members and/or support persons with you to the appointment. Also, unless your child has an appointment, we ask that you do not bring children with you. If you must bring your child to your appointment, we ask that another responsible adult be present to supervise your child. 


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